nego, koliko je ljudi nastradalo u Osijeku za vrijeme rata? 2 000? 1 000? 5 378? koliko civila? koliko zena, koliko djece, koliko staraca? koliko vojnika? na koji je tocno nacin i gdje svatko od njih stradao? ima li, itko, takav poimenican, sveobuhvatan, znanstvenom* metodom utvrdjen popis? mozda neka institucija?
* dakle, ne Glavasevom, u kojoj su civilne zrtve ratnog zlocina strpane u popis poginulih branitelja
naravno da nema. to je ta bratska prica desnicarske stoke. pogledati samo na koji se nacin (unazad 20 godina) dizu optuznice za granatiranje grada. i onda se, kao, ljute sto nitko nije osudjen? dakle, prica je kristalno jasna -> nikada ne utvrditi cinjenice, nikada ne saznati kompletnu istinu, vjecito landarati u Thompsonovoj magli (i Cecinim sisama), vjecito manipulirati brojkama. i zrtvama. jer bez toga, dakle bez vjecitog rata -> oni ne postoje.
izucilo je to zanat kod dr. Bulajica ("1 000 000" zrtava u Jasenovcu).
Tenth Anniversary Memorial Ceremony at the World Trade Center Site
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced New York City's plans to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attack. The ceremony will take place near the World Trade Center site on the morning of Sunday, September 11, 2011. President Barack Obama and President George W. Bush will both participate in the memorial ceremony at Ground Zero. It's the first time for either president to participate in the annual ceremony. They will each read a poem or quote. There will be no speeches.
Family members of the victims of 9/11 will read the names of all those who died at Ground Zero during the attack, as well as those who died at the Pentagon and in the plane crash in Pennsylvania. Silence will mark the times when the planes hit, when the towers crumbled, as well as when the plane hit the Pentagon and the plane crashed in Shanksville, PA. Governors Andrew Cuomo, Chris Christie & George Pataki, as well as Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Mayor Rudy Giuliani will participate in the ceremony. Family members attending the memorial ceremony will be able to access the 9/11 Memorial and see the names of their family members on the memorial wall. Only family members of 9/11 victims will be able to participate in the ceremony.
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