Pogledao sam ga barem 20 puta i opet bih ga mogao. Jedinstveni film, prema još boljoj knjizi, razgranate i komplicirane tematike, s mnogo zanimljivih dijaloga, trivija i dobrim glumcima.
No, poruka...Poruka filma je najbitnija...
Jesmo li mi svi zapravo pripovjedač (Edward Norton), a htjeli bi biti Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt)?
Ostvarujete li ono što želite?
Ako ste ga gledali, opišite kako ste ga shvatili...
1step2far je napisao/la: ›
Prvo sam knjigu pročitala, a onda je i film stigao. Jedinstveno djelo koje nimalo ne dosadi. Tko nije gledao neka ga pogleda što prije.
How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?
The first rule about Fight Club is :" You don't talk about Fight Club". The second rule about Fight Club is :" You don't talk about Fight Club".
Nisam gledala film, ali sad ste me zaintrigirali sa svojim komentarima. Pogledat ću ga svakako. Ako je to to što mi se čini, onda ga svakako vrijedi pogledati. Inače, nevezano za ovaj film, izbjegavam američka holivudska preseravanja na tu temu, pa mi tu i tamo eto promakne i koji dobar film. Komercijalni Hollywood me iznervira iz razloga što sam se i sama bavila borilačkim vještinama, pa nemam živaca gledati preseravanja tipa, jedan sve tuče i ubija, a njemu ništa. I što razmišljam da pokušam ponovo trenirati, jer mi fali to kao disciplina i način života. Nije da mi fali bol i nadljudski fizički napor, ali negdje u podsvjesti mi čuči mali crv željan mirisa znoja i adrenalina.
_________________ Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
Ja ću sve da vratim na temu, ne brini se, druže.
Evo, malo wikipedije na forumu.
Fight Club is a 1999 American feature film adaptation of the 1996 novel Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk, adapted by Jim Uhls and directed by David Fincher. The novel was optioned by producer Laura Ziskin, who hired Uhls to write the script for the film. Several directors were sought to film Fight Club, and David Fincher was hired to direct based on his interest in the project despite previous difficulties with the studio 20th Century Fox. Major actors and actresses were considered by the studio to help promote the film, and actors Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter were ultimately cast into the lead roles. Fincher worked with Uhls to develop the script, seeking advice from others in the film industry and his own cast members.
Fight Club was considered one of the most controversial and talked-about films of 1999. The film has been perceived as the forerunner of a new mood in American political life. Following its initial release, Fight Club grew in popularity via word of mouth,] and the positive reception of the DVD established it as a cult film that Newsweek conjectured would enjoy "perennial" fame.The success of the film has also propelled the novel's author Chuck Palahniuk to global renown.