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Osijek031.com » Društvo, život, lifestyle » Jedna prosta brojalica Idite na Prethodna  1, 2, 3 ... , 16, [17], 18  Sljedeća  :| |:

#241:   Autor: Helvete Post Postano: 01.04.2008. 14:36

Jatsu tsappari dikkari dallan
tittari tillan titstan dullaa,
dipidapi dallaa ruppati rupiran
kurikan kukka ja kirikan kuu.

Ratsatsaa ja ripidabi dilla
beritstan dillan dellan doo.
A baribbattaa baribbariiba
ribiribi distan dellan doo.

Ja barillas dillan deia dooa
daba daba daba daba daba duvja vuu.
Baristal dillas dillan duu ba daga
daiga daida duu duu deiga dou.

DAMMIT evo opet pocinje masovna histerija s ovim

#242:  Re: Jedna prosta brojalica Autor: Ingo Post Postano: 01.04.2008. 14:39

ajmeee ... ja sam to prvi puta cuo prije cca mjesec dana i mislio da sam 'otkrio nesto novo' Smile)) ... zakon, a tu opca pomama za tim

evo i prijevoda Smile


The sound of a polka drifted from my neighbor's
and set my feet a-tapping oh!
Ieva's mother had her eye on her daughter but
Ieva she managed to fool her, you know.
'Cause who's going to listen to mother saying no
when we're all busy dancing to and fro!

Ieva was smiling, the fiddle it was wailing
as people crowded round to wish her luck.
Everyone was hot but it didn't seem to bother
the handsome young man, the dashing buck.
'Cause who's going to mind a drop of sweat
when he's all busy dancing to and fro!

Ieva's mother she shut herself away
in her own quiet room to hum a hymn.
Leaving our hero to have a spot of fun
in a neighbor's house when the lights are dim.
'Cause what does it matter what the old folks say
when you're all busy dancing to and fro!

When the music stopped then the real fun began
and that's when the laddie fooled around.
When he took her home, when the dancing was over
her mother angrily waiting they found.
But I said to her, Ieva, now don't you weep
and we'll soon be dancing to and fro!

I said to her mother now stop that noise
or I won't be responsible for what I do.
If you go quietly and stay in your room
you won't get hurt while your daughter I woo.
'Cause this fine laddie is a wild sort of guy
when he's all busy dancing to and fro!

One thing I tell you is you won't trap me,
no, you won't find me an easy catch.
Travel to the east and travel to the west but
Ieva and I are going to make a match.
'Cause this fine laddie ain't the bashful sort
when he's all busy dancing to and fro

#243:  Re: Jedna prosta brojalica Autor: Avi Post Postano: 01.04.2008. 17:59

osijek031.com smile cini se da ce ova pjesmica zivjeti vjecno. XD osijek031.com smile osijek031.com smile osijek031.com smile osijek031.com smile

#244:  Re: Jedna prosta brojalica Autor: Avi Post Postano: 03.04.2008. 0:34

Nisam nikada trebala otvoriti ovaj topic, ne mogu prestat vrtit ovo po glavi, POLUDIT CU. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Cak sam skinula i s jubita video. Embarassed
osijek031.com smile osijek031.com smile osijek031.com smile

#245:   Autor: mario_kutina Post Postano: 05.04.2008. 17:21

Nije to ništa, moj šef je pred mirovinom, stavio je pjesmu na mobitele, a ima tri mobitela i na svakom svira ta jesma. A sad zamislite kako to zvuči kada počnu zvoniti odjedanput. Ajme, ubija više nego ova naša Petrokemija. Wink

#246:   Autor: mallenna_018 Post Postano: 02.05.2008. 12:02

strava....pokušavam to zaboravit jako dugo i sad naletim opet na taj link...i m just not lucky...lol... =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))9

#247:   Autor: tux Post Postano: 02.05.2008. 13:08

evo sad sam prvi puta to otvorio i slusam vec par minuta..nisam se jos odmaknio od kompa pa neznam hoce li mi se dogodit da mi neizlazi iz glave al dobra je

#248:   Autor: katrin Post Postano: 02.05.2008. 16:37

ej ekipo! jel mi može neko poslat mp3 verziju!! ovo je ludo zarazno!!

#249:   Autor: Leteci mungos Post Postano: 02.05.2008. 17:05

katrin je napisao/la: › ej ekipo! jel mi može neko poslat mp3 verziju!! ovo je ludo zarazno!!

Imas sve na prvoj stranici topica... i mp3 i remixe i 3gp (ringtone)...

#250:   Autor: mario_kutina Post Postano: 11.06.2008. 14:35

Leteci mungos je napisao/la (Pogledaj post): ›
katrin je napisao/la: › ej ekipo! jel mi može neko poslat mp3 verziju!! ovo je ludo zarazno!!

Imas sve na prvoj stranici topica... i mp3 i remixe i 3gp (ringtone)...

Nego ima li sada kakva novija verzija? Pls..... Embarassed

#251:   Autor: mario_kutina Post Postano: 23.01.2009. 23:45

Da, jel ima netko novu verziju????? Plssssss..... Smile)

#252:   Autor: Leon Post Postano: 13.08.2012. 23:47

Evo novije verzije i sluzbeni techno remix:

Zadnja promjena: Leon; 14.08.2012. 0:29; ukupno mijenjano 1 put.

#253:   Autor: Leon Post Postano: 14.08.2012. 0:03

"Otkrila se tajna seksualnih sloboda mladih Skandinavki... naime, jos dok su male, ovakve pjesme im se pustaju u vrtickim kantinama, gdje uz mladu kapulu, susheno sobovo meso i svjezi bakalar dugo u noc mantraju i mantraju...

Mudri ljudi kazu da se cuje "gurni ga u dupe"... pozorno slusajte...

Oprez! Ovo je zarazno do koske!

Verzija za dorasle: http://www.osijek031.com/portal.php?page=6

#254:   Autor: D.E.A. Post Postano: 17.08.2012. 0:02

ja sam ovo tek danas skuzila Embarassed

#255:   Autor: Leon Post Postano: 13.01.2014. 23:08

D.E.A. je napisao/la: › ja sam ovo tek danas skuzila Embarassed
Ma nemoguce! Smile
Osijek031.com » Društvo, život, lifestyle » Jedna prosta brojalica Idite na Prethodna  1, 2, 3 ... , 16, [17], 18  Sljedeća  :| |:

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