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Osijek031.com » Politika » Jacques Chirac : Ne,Necu Pricati o Aferi Clearstream Idite na Prethodna  1, [2]  :| |:

#16:  Re: Jacques Chirac : Ne,Necu Pricati o Aferi Clearstream Autor: kantautor Post Postano: 28.06.2007. 2:08

Citat: › Što se senioraže tiče, pročešljaj malo literaturu za Montetarno-kreditnu politiku, kolegij s druge godine ekonomije.

Jesam ja bezobrazan ako tražim da govoriš kao čovjek, a ne kao pingvin?

The remains of the Roman Forum, Coliseum, and the palaces of Palatine Hill, are proof that empires fall, despite the wonders created by the political class in attempts to placate the masses. In addition, these sites show that every empire needs a war for victories, and enemies for threats. Sadly, we have not learned these lessons.

Vijesti iz Hrvatske 27/06/2007

HNB će posebnoj Vladinoj jedinici Hitrorez, odnosno samoj Vladi, uputiti dopis u kojem skreće pažnju na to da Vlada nema ingerencije ukidati podzakonske akte HNB-a.

#17:   Autor: fatcat Post Postano: 28.06.2007. 4:01

persona non grata je napisao/la: ›
Ono "idiot" sam razumio otprve...
Term "Village Idiot" is a generic term which was definitely not directed at you. The only content you have successfully grasped is the idiot, therefore I leave it up to you to make your own conclusion.

I do appreciate your "concern" for Osijek and it's inhabitants, even if somewhat diluted by the constant verbal diarrhea directed at the very same place. A tinge offensive as well giving the fact it is coming from self professed member of Brcanska Raja.

I will try to make the next years Party031, somehow I don't think I'll be seeing you there.

persona non grata je napisao/la: ›
Budite ljubazni...
I think it would be safe to say that most would not consider you either a nacionalist or a puritan, but rather a rude, arrogant and manner lacking individual. In your case no amount of education will ever change that.

The above is just my point of view. If it offends you I do sincerely apologise.

#18:   Autor: bazooka_joe Post Postano: 03.07.2007. 10:57

fatcat je napisao/la: ›
A tinge offensive as well giving the fact it is coming from self professed member of Brcanska Raja.

Kakogod, on i dalje plaća poreze u RH...
Osijek031.com » Politika » Jacques Chirac : Ne,Necu Pricati o Aferi Clearstream Idite na Prethodna  1, [2]  :| |:

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