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Osijek031.com » Ljepota, zdravlje, hrana » Dlake svuda, dlake oko nas Idite na Prethodna  1, [2]  :| |:

#16:   Autor: noj u bemveu Post Postano: 11.08.2005. 22:00

gaap je napisao/la (Pogledaj post): ›
Gemi je napisao/la (Pogledaj post): ›
i nama su oči suzne i poveće, ali jebiga....to je jednom u tri mjeseca ;-)

srneće oči!

ovakve oči:

#17:   Autor: chiara Post Postano: 12.08.2005. 8:23

Leteci mungos je napisao/la (Pogledaj post): › @chiara, daj me nemoj zekati da ti odes u kozmeticki i da ti riba prkno namaze toplim voskom (nice feel), pa onda lijepi one trake i povlaci sve sto se nalazi oko nulte tocke - sto dlaka, sto uginulih stanica, sto ostatak kojecega, sto bojim_se_i_pitati cega svega ne... ;-) ??!?!

ma jok, ja zaronim u kadu punu voska .... tko ce jos placati kozmeticki Shocked

#18: Hehehe !  Autor: D Post Postano: 12.08.2005. 9:04

Leteci mungos je napisao/la (Pogledaj post): ›
@D, krivo si skontala, dupe je jedno, prkno je nesto drugo. Nisam pitao za uklanjanje dlacica s guze, nego lijana s prkna. Probaj si zamisliti dupe, koje ni pored sve svoje prtjatosti ne uspije zastiti supcic, vec na otvorenom zraku osjeti i najslabiji lahor sto prostorom struji. A za ve su krive antene-lijane. Kao da sezu ka svjetlosti.

Gledao sam, nisu zelene, phew!

ako te netko pita - puštat dreadlockse i ondak se ne moraš zamarati dlakoubilačkim ratovima Mr. Green

#19:   Autor: Leteci mungos Post Postano: 13.08.2005. 1:43

D je napisao/la: › ako te netko pita - puštat dreadlockse i ondak se ne moraš zamarati dlakoubilačkim ratovima Mr. Green

Dlake su passe. Doduse, to treba mijenjati redovito, da ubije monotoniju.

Ali moram priznati da ima nesto iskonski eroticno u njemackim pornicima sa shumastim zenkama. Ah.. Sjecam se neke Jozefine... eh...

#20:   Autor: steam Post Postano: 13.08.2005. 1:56


adude (anonymous coward) -- 1.15.2003

"I read an article on the net about ass shaving and advice about not to do it. The guy that experimented was happy cause his ass was ivory smooth. However, he went about his day and sweat started collecting in his crack and eventully it ran down into his drawers and he mistook it for a liquid escaping his O-ring. He went home and got in front of a fan after getting bottomless cause he felt a hot sensation in his crack. He faced the fan and spread his butt to cool his crack when a most rancid smell hit him and he gagged.

He evetually let the ass hair grow back but it itched like crazy and he said he was sorry to have messed with nature in the first place. I think the ass hair kinda works to hold the mositure and funk and keep it contained until you can get some soap and water to the area. If your ass is hairy as a coconut leave it be. Don't ass shave for some woman.....if she really loves you she will love your hairy ass too.

Just my 2 cents"

Zadnja promjena: steam; 13.08.2005. 2:23; ukupno mijenjano 1 put.

#21:   Autor: steam Post Postano: 13.08.2005. 2:22

Trouser Chili ([email protected]) -- 1.16.2003

"I whole-buttedly agree that shaving your bung-hairs is not a good idea. Those short-and-curlies are there for a reason. I once was lighting farts back in the day and burnt off most of the hairs in my ass crevice, and experienced many of the problems mentioned above. All of the sweat just ran down my crack and loosened the loaf particles in my ass, then dripped straight down my balls and into my boxers leaving a greasy, brown stench-stain. My girlfriend wouldn't even think about sucking on my root because she said my balls smelled like turd.

I think those ass hairs are just like the hairs in your nose. They are meant to catch the drip. We have boogers in our nose and we have dingleberrys in our ass. It's just the way nature intended things to be."

doniker ([email protected]) -- 1.19.2003

But in my younger days I went to bars, got pigs drunk, and took them home for sex. No washing of vaginas were done, it was wham bam thank you maam and I would go home with "fromunda cheese" on my face (and penis).

doniker ([email protected]) -- 1.16.2003

fromunda cheese....haven't heard that one in awhile.

I never knew a dude could get that, we always used that term when referring to going down on a woman orally and discovering her crotch was nasty and stinky with white stuff in it. The white stuff is the "fromunda cheese".

#22:   Autor: D Post Postano: 16.08.2005. 11:13

prije čitanja steamovih postova treba staviti upozorenje da nije preporučljiva konzumacija hrane za vrijeme čitanja istih, brrrrr
Osijek031.com » Ljepota, zdravlje, hrana » Dlake svuda, dlake oko nas Idite na Prethodna  1, [2]  :| |:

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