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Osijek031.com » Seks, libido, pohota » Kazna za pedofila Idite na Prethodna  1, 2, [3], 4 ... 9, 10, 11  Sljedeća  :| |:

#31: Important Re: Kazna za pedofila Autor: Lugar Post Postano: 01.06.2006. 23:38

Treba ga poslati u vojsku. Neka ide u Irak.

Salu na stranu, njemu je zatvor preblaga kazna makar bila i dozivotna.
Treba ga prepustit odredu crnaca pedera, koji bi se redali na njemu dan i noc dok se ne bi svi izredali, a onda ispocetka. A za to vrijeme bi morao vikati "you are my daddy" sa smijeskom na licu.

#32:   Autor: puki Post Postano: 02.06.2006. 15:08

kao, da sredi nekoga moga tko je pocinio takvo sranje? ni najmanje. jebiga, sori, al ak je netko sposoban nesto tako napraviti, malo gubi rejting u mojim ocima...
jednostavno, ne mogu ti odgovoriti na ovo drugo pitanje. ne znam. za policiju sam siguran, jebiga, al mislim da ne bih sam ni pokusavao presuditi. znam da je licemjerno, al jebiga...
let's put it this way - ne bih skakao pred metak upucen njemu/njoj...

#33:  Re: Kazna za pedofila Autor: Circa Post Postano: 02.06.2006. 19:35

Evo nekoliko ideja! Nije mi se dalo prevodit, ali nadam se da cete shvatiti o cemu se radi...

One of the most common forms of medieval inquisition torture was known as strappado. The hands were bound behind the back with a rope, and the accused was suspended this way, dislocating the joints painfully in both arms. Weights could be added to the legs dislocating those joints as well. Other torture methods could include the rack (stretching the victim’s joints to breaking point), the thumbscrew, the boot (some versions of which crushed the calf, ankle, and heel between vertically positioned boards, while others tortured the instep and toes between horizontally oriented plates), water (massive quantities of water forcibly ingested–or even mixed with urine, pepper, diarrhea, etc., for additional persuasiveness), and red-hot pincers (typically applied to fingers, toes, ears, noses and nipples, although one tubular version [the "crocodile shears"] was specially devised for application to the penis in cases of regicide), although it was technically against church policy to mutilate a person's body. If stronger methods were needed, or death, the person was handed over to the secular authorities who were not bound by any restrictions.

The thumbscrew is an instrument of torture which was used in medieval Europe, notably by the Inquisition[citation needed]. It is a simple vise, sometimes with protruding studs on the interior surfaces. The tortured victim's thumbs or fingers were placed in the vise and slowly crushed. The thumbscrew was also applied to crush prisoners' toes, while larger, heavier devices based on the same design principle were applied to destroy knees and elbows.

The boot was an instrument of torture and interrogation designed to crush the feet and legs. The boot has taken many forms in various places and times. Common varieties include the Spanish boot and the Malay boot.

Torture victims may be forced to ingest (or be injected with) chemicals or other products (such as broken glass, heated water, or soaps) that cause pain and internal damage.

Irritating chemicals or products may be inserted into the rectum or vagina, or applied on the external genitalia. Cases of women being punished for adultery by having hot peppers inserted into their vaginas were reported in India. Similar means were used in many instances in African strife.

A modern method of torture or interrogation is to apply electrical shocks to the body. For added effects, torturers may apply the shocks to sensitive areas such as the nipples or genitalia, or insert the electrode into the mouth, rectum, or vagina. Devices used in electrical torture include the picana, the parrila, exposed live wires, medical clamps and hand-cranked generators such as the Tucker telephone.

The Heretic's Fork was a device used to make a prisoner's jailhouse experience all the crueler: it was arguably not an instrument of torture per se though it was undeniably very cruel.
The fork consisted of a short segment of iron, several inches long, with a two-tined fork at either end. Heretics who refused to recant their views were outfitted with the fork in the following manner: one end was jabbed underneath the chin, while the other end was firmly grounded above the breast. In addition to the dreadful pain, which obviously persisted around the clock, the positioning of the device kept the head at an uncomfortable angle and made sleep all but impossible. With a slight dose of black humor, the fork was typically engraved, "Abbiuro," Italian for "I recant." That legend was, in fact, true: the prisoner had only to recant for the fork to be removed.

The instep borer was a mediaeval German instrument of torture that externally resembled an iron boot. It was hinged to permit the free insertion and removal of the bare foot. A crank projected from a housing over the instep, which concealed a long, thick, serrated iron blade, grooved so as to inflict maximum damage and promote liberal blood flow. Turning the crank slowly advanced the blade into the boot, punching a generous hole through the center of the instep. The resultant wound was so large and nasty that it was not at all unusual for the prisoner to die of toxaemia not many days thence.

The Judas Chair, also known as the Judas Cradle, was allegedly a torture device used by the Spanish Inquisition.

The Judas Chair was a pyramid-shaped seat. The victim was placed on top of it, with the point inserted into their anus or vagina, then very slowly lowered by ropes. The intended effect was to stretch the orifice over a long period of time, sort of a slow motion impalement.

A similar construction was used as a military corporal punishment in Prussia, known as ?horse.

In Italian it was the culla di Giuda, in German the Judaswiege, and the French broke from tradition and called it la veille - "the wake" or "nightwatch".

The victim is usually naked on this device, adding to the humiliation already endured.

Naravno sve ove metode i sprave treba koristiti u live TV emisiji, nekoliko minuta prije dnevnika tako da sve pedofilcine vide sto slijedi kada "ciko da bonu"
Majku vam bolesnu!!!

Znam, sad ce neki reci da nisam nista bolji od njih, ali po meni jednostavno nema drugog nacina!!!

#34:   Autor: puki Post Postano: 02.06.2006. 19:40

e, ima zanimljivih ideja....

#35:   Autor: Circa Post Postano: 02.06.2006. 19:49

Najbolje bi bilo ufatit jednog pedofila, prdonju od 50 godina i sve ih isprobat pa neka sam kaze zbog koje je najbrze shvatio da je ugodnije sto prije krepat....

Zadnja promjena: Circa; 02.06.2006. 19:59; ukupno mijenjano 1 put.

#36:   Autor: puki Post Postano: 02.06.2006. 19:57

hehehe...onda dedukcijom doci do one najgore....

#37:   Autor: Circa Post Postano: 02.06.2006. 20:01

Tako je, sve u svrhu znanosti, a i pedofilija bi se smanjila.
Ajmo traziti potporu Vlade RH za realizaciju ovog, uisitinu zanimljivog i pohvalnog, projekta!!! Juuhhuuu!
Rezultate istrazivanja se moze iskoristiti za pisanje knjige "Kako sam prestao gledati malisane"

#38:   Autor: puki Post Postano: 02.06.2006. 20:07

"kako sam prestao gledati malisane i naucio cijeniti svoje zdravlje" (ako nazovete odmah, dobijete i specijalni dodatak - pribor za samokastraciju u tri minute - ustedite vrijeme! spasite se muka!ne pitajte se kako se kontrolirati, nego kako i vi mozete prestati biti stetocina! available in stores near you...)

#39:   Autor: Gemi Post Postano: 02.06.2006. 21:26

@danice, ti bi svoje dijete, oca, djeda, brata - istolerirala (pod uslovom da je odrastao i odgovoran za svoje postupke) da siluje djecu???

Zaista ne mogu vjerovati da si to u stanju izgovoriti.

Da se razumijemo, apsolutni sam protivnik nasilja nad bilo kim. Danas roditelji djecu istuku pocev zbog&radi razbijenog prozora loptom, losih ocjena, bjezanja iz skole, neprimjerenog ponasanja pa do laganja, kranja... i nije im zao - a tebi je do oprastanja pedofilu ako je "tvoje meso koje se ne jede"!!!!???

Vjeruj mi, svakog mog bih se odrekla (da smijem metak bi mu u celo sama spucala) da danas sutra siluje djecu--- a ne da bi mu jos i oprostila, taman da mi je i rodjeni sin, otac, djed, whatever!

A glede onog idiota koji je "vlastitu djecu silovao" (bila je samo tada - 16 godisnja kćer u igri) i navodio na bludne radnje (nesto mladjeg sina i cetverogodisnju kćerkicu) - tog istog se sada moze vidjeti u pothodniku kako izradjuje kljuceve. Mislim da se Eger preziva...visok, mrsav, s brkovima... Kad ga vidim, dodje mi da mu pljunem u facu. Ako nista drugo, apeliram da mu se ne odlazi u radnju, da ga se apsolutno izolira u svijetu u kojem treba krepati, a ne zivjeti.

Jebe se njemu sto je vlastitoj djeci i zeni prilijepio etiketu, on zivi u uvjerenju da se pokajao, odgulio svoje i to je ok. Sve se kao zaboravilo... Ma kakva krv, meso i bakrači...bullshit

Zadnja promjena: Gemi; 02.06.2006. 21:46; ukupno mijenjano 1 put.

#40:   Autor: paperje Post Postano: 02.06.2006. 21:44

gemi je u pravu! taman da si stoput moj, bolestan si i činiš zlo slabijemu od sebe - djetetu! i to još kakvo zlo!!! ne znam, na djecu sam vjerojatno i preosjetljiva. ipak ne, ne možeš biti dovoljno osjetljiv kad se o djeci radi!!! za tog domara nažalost ne postoji kazna kojom bismo ga učinili oštećenim i poniženim u onoj mjeri u kojoj je on oštetio i ponizio nedužnoga dječaka. taj će dječak zauvijek biti žrtva jednog bolesnika, taj mu biljeg nitko ne može izbrisati ma koliko god mi to željeli...

#41:   Autor: ozana Post Postano: 02.06.2006. 21:48

Ako se smijem nasaliti na temu RazzRazz
Pricam nedavno s nekim muskim primjerkom koji mi se zamjerio (ne previse, samo sam bila ljuta zbog ljudske gluposti) Razz pa mu velim kako ce, ukoliko ne rijesi jedan problem, zavrsiti u zatvoru.

Dakle, prvih tjedan dana bi mu bilo idealno, ali poslije..... Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

Eto vam savrsene kazne za sve profile.. samo malo preokrenite stvarcicu Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

Tko voli, nek' izvoli Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

#42:   Autor: --- Post Postano: 03.06.2006. 1:26

bravo ozana.
takve okrutnosti se čak ni ja nisam sjetio...

#43:   Autor: Gemi Post Postano: 03.06.2006. 12:53

Mislim da u zivotu ima tema gdje je zajebancija totalno deplasirana...nah...whatever...

#44:   Autor: 8 Post Postano: 03.06.2006. 14:32

Nije kod nas sve crno, kod nas čedomorka neki dan osuđena na 15 godina, a u njemačkoj istu kaznu dobila višestruka.

#45:   Autor: puki Post Postano: 03.06.2006. 15:01

al opet...samo 15 godina i moze opet izaci van i raditi sranja?
mozda sam preagresivan, al stvarno mi se cini preblago...
Osijek031.com » Seks, libido, pohota » Kazna za pedofila Idite na Prethodna  1, 2, [3], 4 ... 9, 10, 11  Sljedeća  :| |:

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