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Osijek031.com » Politika » PREMIJER : FRANCUSKA JE BANKROT

#1:  PREMIJER : FRANCUSKA JE BANKROT Autor: kantautor Post Postano: 23.09.2007. 23:11

Premier Says France Bankrupt - click

France is bankrupt because of chronic budget deficits, the country's prime minister said Friday, pledging to balance the budget before the end of his term.

"The truth is that I am the head of a state that is in a state of bankruptcy due to its financing plan," Prime Minister Francois Fillon said in the Corsican city of Calvi...

#2:  Re: PREMIJER : FRANCUSKA JE BANKROT Autor: ajwar Post Postano: 24.09.2007. 9:13

eto im kad se zajebavaju, i snjeguljica je ostala bez cipela usred zime pa se sklonila kod babe u kuću! a da nije došao vuk ko zna di bi danas bio lovac sa parama.

eto toliko osijek031.com smile
Osijek031.com » Politika » PREMIJER : FRANCUSKA JE BANKROT

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