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Osijek031.com » Ljepota, zdravlje, hrana » Finally… Aerobics is Dead!

#1:  Finally… Aerobics is Dead! Autor: Rajnus Post Postano: 01.06.2007. 10:24

The biggest mistake of the 1980s is finally over and done with… Jumping
around for 45 minutes to an hour won't boost your lung capacity, it won't
strengthen your heart – it won't even help you lose weight.

Even worse, aerobic training—the kind most doctors and even the federal
government tout as the path to good health—can actually wreck your body. Do
enough, and aerobics will make you sick, tired and old before your time.

I can't tell you how many times my patients have come to me thinking that
aerobics and long-duration "cardio" is the best and only way to improve
their heart and lungs. NOTHING could be further from the truth!


#2:   Autor: allein Post Postano: 01.06.2007. 11:08

A di je tu Chuck Norris?? Smile Nema ni jedne njegove vježbalice u čitavoj reklamici....

#3:   Autor: chaknoris Post Postano: 01.06.2007. 15:06


Zadnja promjena: chaknoris; 14.07.2010. 17:58; ukupno mijenjano 1 put.

#4:   Autor: ixia Post Postano: 01.06.2007. 21:09

no dobro jel netko nekak pribavio tu magicnu knjizicu... tu se nekih 30ak dolara spominje, nemam ja dolare, sta je njima?

ajmo sibnite koju kopiju na njuze, torente, rapidshare... birajte.

Osijek031.com » Ljepota, zdravlje, hrana » Finally… Aerobics is Dead!

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